Matthew R. Abatemarco, Esq.

Divorce is often the most challenging event in a person’s life. As a collaborative attorney, my goal is to minimize the trauma of divorce for my clients and their children. I am keenly aware of my client’s financial concerns and work diligently to develop comprehensive solutions to meet their needs. When children are involved, I work to protect the children and promote their emotional well-being. Through active listening, I can assist clients in navigating the emotional, financial and legal challenges of the divorce process. My goal is for clients and their children to move forward from the divorce in a positive manner.
I have a strong commitment to resolving cases in a cost-effective and amicable fashion. As a Mediator and Collaborative Attorney, I attempt settlement first before spending emotional and financial capital to battle through the Court system. The Court system is oftentimes necessary when clients are faced with headstrong adversaries. Attempting a settlement which focuses on the best interests of the family and win/win scenarios provides long term solutions for parties and so it should be attempted prior to resorting to the Court.

The Super Lawyers list is issued by Thomson Reuters. A description of the selection methodology can be found at No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
- Past President , Jersey Shore Collaborative Law Group
- Past Treasurer, Jersey Shore Collaborative Law Group
- Early Settlement Panelist in Monmouth County
- Court appointed Economic Mediator
- Private Mediator
- Parenting Coordinator
- Binding Arbitrator
- Court Appointed Receiver
- Selected as Super Lawyer* from 2019 to 2023
The Super Lawyers list is issued by Thomson Reuters. A description of the selection methodology can be found at No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. - Recipient of Deborah Michael Richards Award for Excellence in Family Law
- Recipient of the Mary Philbrook Public Interest Award from Rutgers University Law School
- Lecturer, Mediation Training, 2018: Provided eight hours of Mediation training for other professionals
- Lecturer, NJ ICLE, 2016: Provided training for new attorneys and paralegals on the use of the New Jersey Child Support Guidelines
- Lecturer, Collaborative Law Symposium, 2014: Utilizing the Seven Habits to produce better results in Collaborative Practice
- Lecturer, NJSCPA, Certified Public Accountants, 2013: Provided Divorce ADR information to Certified Public Accountants
- Lecturer, NJAPM, 2010: Provided perspectives of a review attorney to NJAPM members
- Monmouth Bar Association
- New Jersey Bar Association